The ABACUS Nursery Banner
The setting has 5 star rating from the Food Standard Agency The nursery provides healthy well balanced meals and snacks in accordance with the Eat Better, Start Better guidelines. The nursery promotes healthy eating and awareness There is a varied menu that is changed frequently and responds to parental requests All meals are cooked fresh on the premises each day The setting encourages social development during meal times and children are encouraged to serve themselves.
Abacus Nursery Healthy Menu
The ABACUS Nursery Banner
The setting has 5 star rating from the Food Standard Agency The nursery provides healthy well balanced meals and snacks in accordance with the Eat Better, Start Better guidelines. The nursery promotes healthy eating and awareness There is a varied menu that is changed frequently and responds to parental requests All meals are cooked fresh on the premises each day The setting encourages social development during meal times and children are encouraged to serve themselves.
Abacus Nursery Healthy Menu